0hlov3 0hlov3@gts.fsociety.social

Open on gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.


moanos [foss edition] @moanos_foss@lediver.se

Developer of some small #FOSS projects: Library Management, Matrix-Bots and more

Moanos @moanos@chaos.social

25 | Tübingen | Medical Engineering + Neuroscience + Medical Informatics | :bisexual_flag: | Contact: @moanos:hyteck.de

Erik Uden => ErikUden@mastodon.de @Erik@social.uden.ai

Moved to => @ErikUden@mastodon.de

Admin of #MastodonDE
Decentralize or Die! #smallweb
Open Source is a Human Right!

Socialize the Social Network for the Sake of All!

Born at 375.64 ppm | He/Him

Sven Thomsen @sven@social.tumelum.de

Unix-Geek, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, ArchLinux, Mikrotik, MacOS, iOS, Kieler, CIO SH, SPD. Privater Account.

Pearl22 @Pearl22@troet.cafe

leicht verpeilte linksgrünversiffte Mama mit Bürojob, Atheistin, Feministin, glücklich verheiratet, SciFi und Fantasyfan, ÖPNV-Nutzerin #FCKAFD #FCKPTN #TeamWissenschaft #MaskeBleibtauf #Solidarität mit 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraini #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #JinJiyanAzadi
#ChronischErkrankt, #ADHD, Pronomen: sie/ihr,
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Interesse an: Politik, vegetarischer/veganer Ernährung, #Verkehrswende, Serien & Filme, Kunst, Kultur, #CatContent, Familienthemen

Joachim @joachim_kreativ@literatur.social

Irgendwie kreativ.

Ich interessiere mich unter anderem dafür, was in meiner Umgebung wächst. Also es #WächstBeiUns. Und dass will ich dann #direktLokalKaufen .


I support transgender rights.
Trans rights = human rights.

Ich freue mich über Boosts, Likes und Follows!

Weiß, männlich usw.

Header Image: Crypto by Chris Roth, CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0

ordfRobert @robert@kulturfront.org

Far, Ordförande, maker, grundare av gjutjärnsvänstern.
Knegar med kids och lär dem powerbuilding.

Coeur66 :antifaverified: @Admin@suedi.club

One of these days i'm gonna make onions cry!

Yeet angel
Clout Architect
Bulwark of narwhals
Saint Socialismus
Democratic Socialist.

Maker, Father, Tired as hell.


Skaly @skaly@mastodon.social

Etsy (handmade jewellery)

Listen / Watch

Vision Fulfilled (film production)

London based. they/them 🏳️‍🌈🌱

Fredrik slightly @enzanto@snabelen.no

Interesse for esport, Linux og Kubernetes

giusdp@gladtech.social @giusdp@gladtech.social

Developer and PhD student in Computer Science, doing research in cloud/serverless computing. Honestly I just wanna code why do I have to write papers now.

QuyetPawz 💉💉💉💉 😷 @QuyetPawz@meow.social

They/Them - Disabled polyam queer non-binary neurodiverse femme, geek living in Ottawa. Retired CanFurence Founding Co-Chair & Board President. https://linktr.ee/QuyetPawz Icon by Vallmosse