Bernard Chhun (he/him)

Open on

Toots in french and english.

Second generation immigrant. Dad. Runner. 2 cats & 1 dog.

Full stack C# dev & legacy software caretaker.

Not a cryptobro.

Forever Lost.

Seeking mastery in all earthly things.

Trying to change the world with #empathy and #education

#MetalCore #Coffee #tea #music #poetry #french #canada #quebec #StrongTowns #fitness #boxing #transportation #AntiRacism #inclusion #technology #art #Sustainability #ethics #Neurodiversity #degrowth #foss #GraphicNovels #KnowledgeManagement



> Senior (Platform && Software) Engineer based in South East, UK.
> Privacy advocate.

Relevant day-to-day emojis:

:ansible: :bash: :csharp: :docker: :dotnet: :git: :github: :golang: :javascript: :matrix: :nodejs: :protonmail: :raspberrypi: :rss: :terminal: :thunderbird: :vim: :vue:

Yannick Delbecque

Prof de math au cégep de Saint-Laurent, membre du collectif de la revue À bâbord !

Pour la séparation de la science et du capitalisme et par conséquent libriste, syndicaliste et anar.

Média d'information du quartier centre-ville / district 8 de Chicoutimi - Citoyen et indépendant - Depuis le 13 août 2018

normand 🚴

[FR] Je suis l'administrateur de cette instance autohébergée. Je communique en français et en anglais.

#Québec #Canada
Avatar : un dessin en noir et blanc d'un chat tigré qui baille, que j'ai réalisé il y a plusieurs années.

Image d'entête : forêt de conifères en hiver, Camp Mercier, réserve faunique des Laurentides.

#vélo #vélotaf #cyclotourisme #photo #guitare #LogicielLibre

Pronoms : il/lui

[EN] I am this private and selhosted instance's admin. I post in French and in English.

#cycling #bikecommute #BicycleTouring photo acoustic #guitar, #FOSS.

Avatar: B&W sketch of a yawning tabby cat I drew years ago.

Header image: forest of conifers in winter, Camp Mercier, Laurentides wildlife reserve.
Pronouns: he/him.



software developer, interested in open source, gnome and linux

fun fact: you can also call me katie, i don't mind

Erika Heidi ✨ 𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓵𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷

🧙‍♀️ Dev+Ops technical writer and open sourcerer
🐙 DevEx Engineer #Chainguard
🌟 GitHub Star
✍️ Writes about #tech and life
🌎 Brazil/Netherlands 🇧🇷🇳🇱
♥️ Fave hobbies atm: weight lifting, gaming, 3D printing

Topics include (but not limited to): #php, #cloudNative, #supplyChainSecurity, #openSource, #dogs & #memes

Barbara Shaurette :python:

The Girl with the Django Pony Tattoo | SRE at Vox Media, making art, trying to save the world. Cancer survivor. Part-time mermaid. She/her.

Griselda Mussett

Enjoying life as an old lady artist on chemo, promoting trees & community, laughs & good writing. Pro-Europe, appalled at Tory pirates, consoled by botany, profoundly supported by JuicePlus+

Monica Cellio

Tech writer, #FOSS contributor, #jewish, Internet old-timer. I'm curious and sometimes geeky about many things and aspire to keep learning, always.

Community Lead at #Codidact; opinions mine. Please consider helping our communities grow and/or contributing to our project on GitHub. We're non-profit, community-driven, and transparent (which didn't used to be a thing platforms had to clarify).

#music #cooking #boardgames #MastoMinyan #mazeldon #techwriting #writing #communities #sff #sca

Simon Richard :quebec: :facil:

Analyste médiatique chez Influence Communication
Astrophysicien de formation, geek, fan d'histoire et de bandes dessinées. Chats/manga/baseball/Hip-Hop old school
50% Chewbacca