Benjamin Kwiecień :eo:

Open on

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely



Nur alia rifuĝinto, kiu fuĝis de Elon Musk Tvitero serĉante azilon for de Trump kaj Pitersen. Mi ankaŭ devas anticipe pardonpeti, ke mia esperanto estas mezbona kaj mia ortografio estas malbona en ĉiuj lingvoj.


anarchist, mycophile, chaotic bisexual, he/him, all your bass are belong to us


I am using Mastodon as a filter for all my thoughts so my partner doesn't have to listen. 🏳️‍⚧️

Now that I'm in my 30s I've realized my social circle is /very small/ and I use my personal website, gemini capsule, and mastodon to trick my brain that social interaction has occurred.

Locked but usually will follow back 😎

#linux #programming #java
#music #funeraldoommetal #homerecording #guitar
#trans #queer #bisexual
#fountainpens #gemini

(6m post deletion FYI)

John Mierau

Storyteller: writer, narrator, podcaster, father, partner, human being in process. mastodon instance admin

I want to learn from others, expand my world view, help to make things better & have fun along the way.



Neekerbreeker 🇺🇸🇺🇦

Chemist, science defender, medical writer. J.R.R. Tolkien, Ursula K. LeGuin fangirl but will read cereal boxes and ketchup bottle labels in absence of other material. ❤️ Classic rock, words, mythology/lore, clouds, maps, paleoanthropology, and the history of timekeeping 🕰️ (Profile banner, Irina Irbis, ArtStation)


Tinkering with computers since '67. *IX since 89. OpenLDAP since 99. GnuCOBOL since ~'18

Ö :ohnobubble:

Mobile Developer. Autistic + ADHD. Cis male, trans ally. Yorkshire, UK. Glacial erratic. #nobot

My posts disappear after 1 month. Don't follow unless you have some posts, I need to gauge how safe you are.


why here ? - for the ones who think internet is nothing more than http(s) client
#nobot #nobots


Media/subcultural research. Participant-observation of subcultural networks and practices.
Pronouns: he/him/his/


ssb: @8ahmd8g0VSGPBONgCwiz0BPfFV/HlfNL0wJ5PP6qaeY=.ed25519

Author, Cornelius's Fantasma (33 1/3 series, Bloomsbury Academic, November 2019)

Nick Kearney

#Educator, #EdTech, #OnlineLearning, #Dialogue, #Conversation, #NonProfitEducationAssociation, #ScienceFiction, #Poetry, #Yoga, #TeenYoga, #Meditation...

...cave-dweller, digger, pruner, planter, listener...

From Twidere to Fedilab in (many) seconds.
Soft ware and hard rocks.
Disclaimer: nan

Russ Sharek

I've been described by reliable sources as wiser than a rubber duck, a zen fool, benevolent super villain, misanthropic community leader, clown father figure and Impish Cabaret Rasputin.

he/him (and sometimes they/them)