DysphoricUnicorn🪿 dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Open on fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

You can read my blog posts on dysphoric.dev, if that sounds like your jam.

I am somewhat selective in which follow requests I accept, please have at least a bio or be mutuals with someone I know before sending a request.

Pronouns: they/them, she/her or nin/nins

Image descriptions:
Profile picture: A Sims 4 character with pink and purple hair taking a selfie in front of a progress pride flag.
Header image: A Gracht in Amsterdam during the evening. There's multiple sight seeing boats visible. The picture is heavily edited to give the water a beautiful blue tint and boost the effect the street lights have on their surroundings.


🐈Tammi🐈 - would appreciate some Vegan Chocomel @tammeeee@estrogen.network

Please talk to me first before you request to follow. Just say hello ;)

Hi I am yet another femme-ish but very enby transformer
Vegetable Eater
​:meow_code:​ / computer person 👩‍💻
Likes music
🎹 and audio things ​:blobfoxheadphones:​
hehe cursed tech is amusing
demi ace of base panningsexual
​:pansexual_potion:​ / genderqueen ​:queer_pride_potion:​ / polygon armourous ​:blobhajflagpoly2:​ / augtistic ​:blobhajflagautism:​
Human after all
Needs Love
Too eepy and rushed
Power bad
🏴 ​:anarchoheart2:​

I like witches

I am noisy, so look for the volume knob

Do content warnings and image descriptions please!

I don't know rust so well so I'm not that cool

dating red flags

#noindex #nobot #noarchive

Lexi of the Night @lexi@cailincat.cloud

I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. | Clearly chaotic, hopefully good? (White) Woman | trans mum (mum that is trans) | ASD+ADHD+EDS+MCAS+ED+PTSD | Uses content warnings | she/her, sí/í, sie/ihr

Not a member of the Christian cultural circle.

Avatar by @LunaTheMoonGirl

Annika Backstrom @annika@xoxo.zone

good: games, programming, photography, my french bulldog, my kids, bikes, trains, socialism, trees, being the #XOXOZone admin

bad: billionaires, "AI", crypto, terfs, boosting shit that lacks a necessary content warning or image description

Wusel :autism: @fraeuleinwusel@chaos.social

Stricken, Musik atmen, klettern und kochen.
#actuallyautistic Enby mit Cerebralparese und anderem Kram. Spoonie. Antifa. Neu-Nordlicht.

#TeamVorsicht #CovidIsNotOver

Feminist Mom @feministmom@octodon.social

Erz-Feministin. Antifaschistin. Here for the queer.

Bedürfnisorientierte & alleinerziehende Elternschaft, dazu noch sowas wie Karriere. Liebt ihr Kind (#die9Jährige). Und einen Mann namens A.

Marginalisierten glauben. Ismen entlernen.
trans rights are human rights
protect trans kids
sex work is work

Duldet kein Elternbashing und keine ableistische Sprache.

Follow requests sind okay, vorher interagieren würde mich freuen. Ich sortiere ein bisschen, wen ich annehme, bitte nehmt's mir nicht übel.

Chris 🌱 :verified_purple: @brainblasted@crab.garden

GNOME developer. DMs from mutuals are okay, and boosts are okay for all public posts.

Blank profiles and FOSS-only profiles will be rejected.

#nobot #noindex

Vippy 🐶ΘΔ @vi@toot.vipra.vip

moved here from @vivien@queer.group

just a silly little gremlin and headpat enthusiast, who goes woof and meow sometimes

22, a lesbian - mostly, #polyam, #trans 🏳️‍⚧️ , also a #furry

currently studying CS in my third semester (help)
in a polycule with @laripopari@queer.group and @Lunyan64@catcatnya.com

Look At The Sky!
hugs and headpats welcome unless stated otherwise. if you think of a nickname for me just try it out - i'll probably like it :3

(see also: @vipra@catcatnya.com)