gabe (but cooler)

Open on

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

this is my alt account primarily for mutuals and people i trust using gotosocial. if you wanna follow me on my main please follow me @gavi :)



I put bugs in software. Master of half-finished projects.
Irony is my default setting.
Hate factories, but love conveyor belts.
Buzzword-Driven Development.

Totally not a robot.
Definitely not a mouse.

Pan-Demi-Sexual, _not_ Pandemic-Sexual.

// Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With

// Cats of all sizes also welcome
#YesKittens #YesCats #YesTigers


i am a #math

also a roving pack of wander-lusting #dogs unsure where they last picked up the scent trail, which makes not being in the woods difficult

feeding the hungry is #praxis, keeping fascists from getting a foothold in my rural community is just survival

escaped a six year DV situation in March 2022 at least in the flesh

legally #blind with significant usable vision, #trans and began transition c 2005-2007, diagnosed #AuDHD but don't gatekeep shit, #narcolepsy makes my life a mess

i first learned what liberals were sitting at a kitchen table while ellen sweets fed me and molly ivins ranted about john kerry. the democratic party hasn't has changed since then.

I'm qwazix, my other name is Michalis and I'm constantly wondering who I am. I live in Athens, GR. I'm an online wanderer, a digital artist, I love the simple side of the web, brutalist, hand-crafted, low-tech.

I've run out of chars here, for the rest read my #introduction post


psychologist in alaska (he/him)

Jesse Baer

Microblogging like it's 2009

Danny Radio and Tech

Youtuber & radio dxer, retro gamer, tech geek, stock and crypto investor #shortwave #radio #dx #retrogaming #vintage #tech #geek #stocks #crypto I follow back👍

Mike Huntington :neovibe:

NeoVibe instance admin. :neovibe:

Software Engineer, Gamer and professional coffee drinker. I love electric vehicles or anything tech focused! :pride: I believe the #fediverse is the future of the internet experience. I'm here to help shape it.

Gavin Sheedy

Living in Sweden, raised in Ireland, destined to die in outer space.

I Do Not Exist

I do exist, but sometimes the world treats me as if I do not exist.
Sometimes they just treat me as something that just must work and be efficient.


writer, pngtuber, media critic, and podcaster. they/them.

find me under a pile of horror movies with my cat or following "that strange noise" down an alley with my recorder.

watching the world burn

I cause the trouble I want to see in the world.

⦿ Admin for
⦿ Union thug