Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.


Richard Thornton

SAS Professional. I like art, classical guitar. I swim daily. I’m in the Princeton, NJ area.


Husband, Father, Metal
DevOps developer at Combell/
co-organizer PHPWVL
Arch Linux Packager

Antranig Vartanian :freebsd:

Co-founder @illuria, Inc. # Unix, BSD, Elixir/Erlang/OTP, InfoSec/CERT, DNS, XMPP # Toots Security, Privacy, Policy. Mostly harmless.

richards1052 ✅

Independent journalist and Israel-Palestine blogger (Tikun Olam). Exposing the Israeli national security state since 2003. Hated by all the right people!

I also publish at Middle East Eye, The New Arab, and Jacobin Magazine.

This account features links to my regular blog posts, published articles, and curates links to the sources I find interesting and important regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, American Jewish politics, and US Middle East policy.

Brice Dekany

Computer Engineer, Cloud Enthusiast, Open Source Evangelist and Cyber Security Paranoid.
Image: catalyststuff

Maxime Valy

o_O | he/him

Benjamin Bellamy 🇫🇷

Podcasts, e-commerce & open-source
#TeamPodcast #podcast

Adrien Nayrat

Postgres DBA & Freelance

Carmine ⏚

Pigiste • montagnard • révolutionnaire refroidi

Pour les besoins d'un projet je recueille avec intérêt vos expériences, témoignages et anecdotes à propos de la surfréquentation touristique et ses nuisances. Merci ! #surtourisme #DM

#OSINT #Journadon #Grenoble #Lyon #Ecologie #Désarmement #Politique #SeuleLaLuttePaie #OpenSource #Tootfinder


le dek

Sysadmin et éleveur de machines libres.
Fabrique et casse des trucs dans les clouds, mais aussi près de chez toi.

Papa débutant.
Photographe amateur.
Apprenti guitariste.

Poste en Français ou en Anglais suivant l'humeur et le sujet.


French sysadmin, free-range machines breeder.
Builds and breaks stuff in the clouds, or maybe near you.

Learning dad.
Amateur photographer.
Noob guitarist.

Posts in French or English, depending on the mood or the topic.
