Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.


Todd C. Miller

#sudo and #OpenBSD hacker. Recovered(?) sysadmin. All bugs are my own.

David Krause

David Krause is an information security professional specializing in threat intelligence.

Darren Tucker

Just some guy.

Amitai Schleier

Software development coach.
Itinerant programmer.
Legacy code wrestler. podcaster.
Bad poet (award-winning).


OpenBSD enthusiast, mediocre programmer, and social media lurker

p̻̻̥r̥̻̥o̻j̤͛ec͔t̞dp :verifiedpurple:

🛡️#DevSecOps | #OpenSource | #Tech | #Security | #InfoSec | #Hacker | #Networking | #OpenBSD | #NetBSD | #FreeBSD | #Linux | #Homelab | #Selfhosted | #fedi22 🔐

:openbsd: :puffer: :netbsd: :freebsd: :archlinux: :linux: :alpinelinux: :slackware: :opensource: :vim: :rust: :python: :raspberry_pi: :redhat: :terminal: :gnu: :hecked: :hacked: 🦶

Joel Carnat ♑ 🐘

IRL: 🐡 🥋 📸 🌱 🍻 🎸
All we are is dust in the wind.

Opened to discussions.
I will check your profile before accepting a follow request.

🗣️ 🇫🇷 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Mischa 🐡 😎

Talon Cyber Security • High5! • @OpenBSDAms • HAR2009 (HXX) • Creator of OpenSMTPD Admin and Postfix Admin


Unix - live free() or die()
Software Engineer @ Bloomberg LP
My opinions are my own, yada yada yada.
I'm not into anger olympics.

Bryan Steele :flan_beard:

AKA canadianbryan. I like tinkering with #OpenBSD and occasionally other Unix-like systems. In other words, not a MCP. He/Him. 🍕🐈💻🇨🇦

Andrew Hewus Fresh

he/him. So many interesting things to know and do. At the moment, spend my free time as an #OpenBSD hacker, #Perl programmer, and fan of pockets.

Laurent Cheylus

Software engineer specialized in Cybersecurity

Linux OpenBSD FreeBSD - FOSS Contributor
Lyon (France) addict
Messages in French 🇫🇷 and English 🇬🇧