Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.


Aaron A. Glenn

internet curmudgeon. talk to me about programmable packet data planes.

pamela :flan_butterfly:

backup admin (on leave, please don't DM)
artist by trade, commissions closed

makes cute things :flan_flowers:
loves nature, games, learning ... and you!

Please don't remove CWs or add hashtags to replies or quote toot me.

Use me to identify bad actors scraping. This account employs all auto opt-outs #noindex #nosearch

Omar Polo

Moving here from

Slacker, CS student. Interested in all things BSDs, security, LISP and compilers.


Endorses the global tyranny of the metric system.

William Lallemand

C Developer based in Paris.
#haproxy dev & co-maintainer


Dad, dog dad, query execution engineer at MongoDB. Former GitHub. Opinions are my own.


Pharmacist, OpenBSD user, filthy casual

Can Acar

ex #openbsd, some neuroscience, product security @ #Qualcomm, he/him, opinions are mine.


onward and awkward


Yet another lazy hacker, dad, drone builder and pilot, loves my Tesla and I run OpenBSD wherever possible.

Bert JW Regeer 🏳️‍🌈

Open Source developer (#pylonsproject, #pyramid and #Webob) who enjoys solving difficult problems.

Rufus Aleksandr

Building & advocating for a more decentralized, independent, and thoughtful web.