Julian j_r@social.jugendhacker.de

Open on social.jugendhacker.de



Stu @junior@gts.batsense.net

Tech and Music

Go to @kite@social.tchncs.de @kite@social.anoxinon.de

New instance, who this?


Sind wir verrückt, weil wir alles aufschreiben, oder schreiben wir alles auf, weil wir verrückt sind?

DMs: XMPP>Matrix

<a rel="me" href="https://social.tchncs.de/@kite">Mastodon</a>

FestplattenSchnitzel@social.anoxinon.de @FestplattenSchnitzel@social.anoxinon.de

Cares about human rights, democracy, privacy, free software and freedom of information.

Cegorach @drazraeltod@chaos.social

Typ mit viel Meinung.

Nicht interessiert, aber das auf hohem Niveau.

Ich bin ja kein Nazi, aber... ...ich wohne trotzdem gerne in Dresden.

krea @krea@social.anoxinon.de

Hallo. Ich bin 1 krea.
Hab mal FiSi angefangen zu lernen. War aber doch nicht so dolle wie gedacht.
Vielleicht hat man mich hier schon mal gesehen: @krea

nek0 @nek0@chaos.social

Software engineer, artist, musician and aspiring lunatic with dreams and ambitions all over the place.
Have a look at my blog (https://nek0.eu) or my art (https://art.nek0.eu).
#Haskell #programming #gamedev #linux #art #comic

Björn @bjawebos@social.tchncs.de

Computer • Science • Bicycle • Photography

183231bcb @183231bcb@firefish.lgbt

New instance, new profile!
Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a
#queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.

My old accounts:
@183231bcb@calckey.lgbt (2023-05-29 to 2023-07-20)
@183231bcb@mstdn.social (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)
#LGBTQAI #StephenSondheim #WebComics #MusicalTheater #PandorasTaleWiki #Cats #Math #Teaching #Asexual #Aromantic #Trans #Nonbinary #fedi22

Thomas Schäfer @tschaefer@ipv6.social

A̶ ̶R̶e̶s̶o̶u̶r̶c̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶c̶o̶r̶d̶
AAAA Resource Record

Stefan @stefan@social.anoxinon.de

:debian: :anxde: :xmpp:

Sylvia @SylvieLorxu@chaos.social

LGBT FOSS nerd caring about social justice

Loves music, general preference for metal and electronic but open to other styles

Likes video games but avoids toxic gamer culture

Mostly doing Android lately, somehow

183231bcb @183231bcb@transfem.social

My previous instance shut down without warning so I'm rebuilding all my connections. That means new bio time!

Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a
#queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.
Old accounts:
@183231bcb@firefish.lgbt (2023-07-19 to 2023-08-22)
@183231bcb@calckey.lgbt (2023-05-29 to 2023-07-20)
@183231bcb@mstdn.social (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)