julienxx julienxx@nein.club

Open on nein.club

Praetor @praetor@social.sdf.org

The one and only!

cat K. @cat@merveilles.town

Australien cryptid, techno-animist, pacifist, phone phreak, catastronaut, music hyperconsumer, Gopher protocol supremacist & crowned King of the Cats.

Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉 @jz@mamot.fr

ᐸ3 Mostly offline - My life is music and music is life - Hacking with Care! @HackingWithCare /
Sings in showers / cheese / GNU / Berlin / http://datalove.net / #8bit / #16bit / #TeamFerment / ex-@LaQuadrature

theruran 🌐🏴 @theruran@hackers.town

contents: cautionary cyberpunk aesthetic; boosting signal; not that spicy~

PhD candidate in model-based systems engineering #MBSE

currently in an abusive relationship with my computer. #noBot

seriously won't shut up about #Ada / #SPARK and #LISP

making progress in my own way.
don't hate; appreciate.

#systemsPraxis: #systemsThinking + #systemDynamics + #systemsEngineering #antifragility #formalMethods #mind and #nature
#retroComputing #OSdev #progLangDesign #fediScholar

jirka @jirka@social.sdf.org

Ed S @EdS@mastodon.sdf.org

6502 nut; awk fan; avid reader if not for so much time online; once a chip designer; fan of one-line programs & ingenuity generally. #retrocomputing #computerhistory

Pronouns: he/him

Powerbook 5300 🇨🇦 @powerbook5300@mastodon.sdf.org

aka Sparc IPX and Conceited Jerk. 50 year-old Canadian. GURPS and Car Wars fan. I generally follow back if you're not a bigot. #nobot

be0ba @be0ba@social.pulpie.xyz


Plan 9 for Mortal Men doomed to die,
9front for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In /dev/mordor where the Shadows lie.
One 9front to rule them all, One ⑨ to find them,
One 9front to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Emi @paper@tilde.zone

nonbinary, they/she

Void Linux core team member
currently writing a smart recipe web application: https://comfy.city/#comfy-recipes

🇺🇦 :nonbinary_flag:

Zach McGrew @zmcgrew@bsd.network

Hacking on the RISC-V NetBSD port

Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.

kirch @kirch@tilde.zone

Post-Post-Modern Renaissance man. #botALLY #SubGenius #Pope

RIP my twitter bots: yinzbot & WebYinzer@twitter.com

check out: https://jkirchartz.com/Glitchy3bitdither/ (doesn't work in Chrome)