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Writing on the internet since the mid-90s as the OG Hipster Bloggeur now running my own servers cos that one time Russia bought LiveJournal and we all panicked



Based in Paris, I run a Wildcat! BBS like it's the early 90s. J'écris les choses sur internet en texte brut.

☄️~Stardust Diving~🌌

nonbinary computer enthusiast who is actively ruining their own life over weird RPGs. infrequent fanfic writer [they/them]. #nobots

Benjamin Kwiecień :eo:

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely