leah (old account) leah@fedi.home.ctu.cx

Open on fedi.home.ctu.cx

leah, she/her, lvl 25, 🏳️‍⚧️, :nix_snowflake_trans_anarchy:, :antifa:

i have a new account at: @leah


Ethical Reasons @fr2@chaos.social

Humanoid biped, transfem (kinda misleading), does relationship anarchy, 28, urban troglodyte, always exhausted, makes stickers, emits little noises
There's lots of words to describe me, most of them make fine insults.

"Verrückte Elektro-Elfe aus Süddeutschland"

This is more of a private account, so if you don't know me (or a friend of mine) at all don't expect your follow request to result in anything. (Feel free to try though. Maybe I think you're cool.)

sivizius @_sivizius@chaos.social

M.Sc. | :blobpats: @fluepke | :nonbinary_flag: :pansexual_flag: :progress_pride: 🇮🇱 :antifa: | #Organometallics👨‍🔬 #Rust🦀 #NixOS❄️ #ADHS🐿 | :BoostOK: :ReplyOK:🦦

Peter Schmidt ツ @33dBm@chaos.social

⚠️ Jetzt auf @33dBm ⚠️
UGC: CC BY-SA 4.0 * #NoAfD

tobi :thisisfine: @dumpsterqueer@ondergrond.org

Things I am: queer, trans, non-binary, non-mono, aromantic, software dev, @admin of ondergrond.org. I post: All sortsa junk, including lewd/nsfw, so 18+ ONLY!

#nobot I don't consent to having this profile indexed or scraped.

I don't post or boost stuff without image descriptions.

This is a personal account, I don't accept that many follows. Please don't follow request unless we've interacted in some way before.

If you're looking for GtS updates go follow @gotosocial!

Dave @anathem@toot.kif.rocks

Informaticker, Fachschaftsopa, Ex KIF Space Pirate Captain, Sprach- & Brettspieler, F84.5, Cispolyhete, Ruhrpott Ost. Mostly english, sometimes german, he/him.

Jana @zenja@chaos.social

Follow Requests werden nur bei bekannt oder Nachricht bearbeitet.

"Highly functioning Powertool Vampire Catgirl Lesbian"
Irgendwas mit Datacenter Infrastruktur, Glasfasernetzen, zu teurem Internet, Server, Storage etc. Layer 0-4 (manchmal auch Layer 8 debugging - BOFH eben), mag legacy Kram, spielt gern an schnellen Autos & Haus herum
Mama von @netzrobbe

Wie jetzt, du bist zu zweit?
Jana 🧛‍♀️
Linda 🦄

hexchen @hexchen@pleroma.chaoswit.ch

hexchen. chaotic trans girl. she/her. interested in networking, reversing, electronics. vaguely a part of c3voc. occasionally i don't like vowels. i like trains!

please send me a DM with your follow request, either saying why you want to follow me or just a random fact about anything. I will otherwise reject the request.

📷 profile picture: @JeDi@zug.network
📷 banner: @uint8_t@chaos.social

if we know each other, feel free to follow request my alt! @lightinthedark@pleroma.chaoswit.ch
dayjob-specific account is @hsa@cybert-media.net

Chep87 :blobcatsign: :blobcatcoffee: :blobcatnomcookie: @Chep87@zug.network

Soll hier irgendwas digitalisieren und wenn gerade nichts zu tun ist, dann Betriebsplaner

trissc̈hen (old account) @trisschen@tech.lgbt

now at @trisschen

🏳️‍🌈, ~30yo, Rhein-Neckar
:lesbian_heart: :heart_lesbian_sappho: :heart_nb: :heart_aro: :heart_polyam:
"ganz langweilig binär"
Kennt ein paar Worte aus den Bereichen Verkehr und Technik
Tiddy warm and soft.

Might flirt with you, probably either unintentionally or unnoticed

Sophie @sophie@chaos.social

Technical consluttant by day. Livestreaming, videos, cameras, ffmpeg, cooking, baking, swimming, snuggling blahajer and many more by night.

alyssa @qyliss@chaos.social

Lexi of the Night @lexi@cailincat.cloud

I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. | Clearly chaotic, hopefully good? (White) Woman | trans mum (mum that is trans) | ASD+ADHD+EDS+MCAS+ED+PTSD | Uses content warnings | she/her, sí/í, sie/ihr

Not a member of the Christian cultural circle.

Avatar by @LunaTheMoonGirl