Loki~ 2, Glitch Arc loki@goto.hellsite.site

Open on goto.hellsite.site


Hey there. You all know me, You all love me~
In case you don't though I'm Loki~! The tilde ("~" <- this guy!) is important!

I'm your local neigh-baah-hood non-binary sheep! I make coffee and sometimes I get off my stinky butt and do something productive! Like Painting models or being gay as fuck.

If you asterisk at me without asking you will learn what rapid decompression feels like.

This space is going to be arbitrarily nsfw so minors, kindly, fuck off. That goes for chasers and bots too. Not welcome here. Away with you, HARLOTS!


Sarah :blobcatsarah: @eject@queer.garden

hey it's me sarah

i'm a 35 year old non-binary person from the uk (sorry)

this is my main account where i also post lewd stuff sometimes (under a cw)

read minds 🧠 fuck books @alas@monads.online

hey i'm alice

if you try to follow me and i see anticommunist shit when i check your profile i will make fun of you in front of the whole class

"just enough of a snitch to be a little shit about it"
–the one and only tesse

"you apparently just DONT HAVE BONES"

"if you were an animal crossing you'd be d.m. slider"

my wife ❤️ @rachel is the bog queen
❤️ @PhoebeWallerPalladino
❤️ @LaComtesseRouge
❤️ @katarzyna


Doppelgrau :v_enby:​ @doppelgrau@anarres.family

Some weird human that likes to tinker with stuff, loves agriculture and cows and writes whatever comes to his mind.
May contain traces of nail polish & gender :nb_flat:​ :progress_flat:​.

Will only boost images that have a description in the alt text.

Follow Request: In the end instinct decides. (I follow => quite sure, empty profile no chance, between I take a look on your toots; in doubt write me a DM)
Header image: CC BY-NC Heather Pickard

Elia 🏳️‍⚧️️ @KopfKrieg@queer.group

Transfeminines Chaos-Enby >^.^< | Cuddly | *meow* | Neurodivers - Autismus & AD(H)S | Kinky | Polyam | Bi+sexual | ~30yo

Scheitert im Leben so voran. Angeblich sehr flauschig.

Macht Dinge mit Python und Golang, vorwiegend unter Linux. Beruflich in diesem ML/KI-Hype gefangen.

Isst gerne vegetarisch & vegan.

Profilbild wurde von der wunderbaren @Fuchskind gezeichnet

⚠️ Für Folgeanfragen diesen Post beachten: https://queer.group/@KopfKrieg/110356731560412984

joshie 🏳️‍🌈 @6a62@raru.re


tootsite mum :pikaVerified: @meave@toot.site

hey! I'm meave, your tootsite mum

I'm taking a break from fedi

DO NOT contact me about moderation stuff, I AM NOT A MODERATOR

if you wanna follow me, please have a bio with something substantial in it.

I do not boost media without descriptions.

en, no, se, fr

age: mid-20s

auto-deletion of posts is on

profile picture alt text: woman with red hair, a fringe to the side and a nose ring

Katherine @katherine@lesbian.solutions

Hiya, I’m Katherine! I pretend to be cool and funny on the internet. I don't really post much anymore, but when I do they suck lol.

I'm really bad at like... talking to people, sorry if i don't interact with your reply.

I am a communist. Please be normal to me about this.

I occasionally boost sexual content, I won't accept your follow request if you're a minor.

Sammy 🐾 @sammy@cherrykitten.gay

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.


gay sex? @sapphicgiraffic@goto.hellsite.site

jessica she/her 30+

Josie But Evil @josie_evil_version@goto.hellsite.site

WILL use violence

only the most sinister pronouns

main: @josie

kimmothy siddon @kim@goto.hellsite.site

alt of @kim
(that's where you can find my actual bio)
resident https://goto.hellsite.site admin

goat @goat@goto.hellsite.site

Admin of goto.hellsite.site

Instance Necromancer, Scourge of The Fediverse and World Leading Expert in the Field of Keysmashing Sciences

Artificer of Wretched Things

Communism will Win!

love my wife @kim

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