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Evil Woman, photographer

the artist formerly known as


Mercury poisoned mad hater

he/him (they/them also fine)

🎮 *Knows* #videogames
📖 *GRRM finishing Winds of Winter before 2025*-truther
👨🏻‍💻 Computer-toucher (derogatory)
🔥 Massive hypocrite, loves & hates technology
🎶 Fediverse's foremost expert on the #NeedForSpeedUnderground2 soundtrack

Fluent 🇳🇱/🇬🇧, could decipher 🇩🇪 if backed into a corner

dislikes: math, time, heat and landlords

Blunt Line Assembly

i think america is bad. if you see me implying that america is good, it is for satirical purposes. (he/him)

it was the day before 9/11

fae/faer she/her

call me alice... or maribel, or elizabeth, mix and match pick your favorite rotate them in your mind i dont have a preference

dont flirt with me unless we're friends
not accepting follow requests unless i know you

shes scary to me because she knows too much about how my blood circulates


age 20something, im white :(

Rat 🍕🐀🏳️‍🌈

mid twenties. my heart belongs to revolutionary girl utena. trans! working in public education. queer. they/he pronouns are fine. i'm rat!

Sally Strange

Middle-aged, married bi dyke. Professionally: conservation x construction
Generally: SFF (books especially), anarchy, fiber arts, solarpunk, climate change, music & dance
PFP: Selfie w/ dark blue hat, big sunglasses, & light & dark blue scarf covering my nose & mouth. I'm standing on a frozen, snow-covered lake
Header: Snow-covered meadows & trees seen from a tall roof on a sunny day

Johan Strandell

Swedish UX designer and sometimes musician.