sexybiggetje 🐷

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Making pictures and posts about #coffee, #food and #gardening. Mainly #vegetarian cooking.
Look for @martijn for my general account.




Writer. Reader. Tolkien, Paks, Chanur, D&D. Waiting for the light. Join me for tea. Or companionable silence. We don't have to talk.


Used to build large parts of the Swedish Internet in the 90's to 2010ish.

Likes to combine high and low tech to find the sweetspot between "why not!" and "but why?".

Running a small tech firm since 15 years.

Into growing my own food.

Likes to be independent.



gardener/horticulturalist inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka, Bhaskar Save, Ruth Stout, and indigenous people.

My profile picture shows Japanese clover surrounded by dead leaves, and my header picture shows a few flowering carnivorous plants and a few mostly-empty plant containers with mulch from earlier this year, 2023.


Greetings. I am just a follow bot, please don't mind me. This is an ugly workaround for GoToSocial's lack of support for relays, and my operator doesn't want their home timeline to be completely flooded...

Currently following: group accounts, admins of instances found in public relay lists and Makai +'s list of federated instances.
Operator: @mima

Pfp: @c_i_an
Banner: @hexen01



Hosting a collection of stuff on
Computer/Electrical/Software Engineer
Enjoys playing Go/Baduk (dm me for a game)
Full of bees

Currently looking for remote work (US) in Software Engineering or Web Development

Also I make music sometimes