Max :verified:

Open on

Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan monocultuur, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority, fediverse stakeholder. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!



Websitemachine (ツ) JP

Hoi! Ik ben JP, ontwikkelaar van Ik streef naar fijne, makkelijke en 100% groene websites.

Verder ben ik nieuwsgierig naar #offgrid & #solar / #solarpunk. Dol op motorrijden en sleutelen.
Hi! I'm JP, developer of I strive for nice, easy and 100% green websites.

I am also curious about #offgrid & #solar / #solarpunk. Love motorcycling and tinkering.

Kenneth Freeman :linux: :tor:

Avatar is myself on the famous NE Deck, a strikingly handsome middle-aged man with tortoise shell glasses and a bushy mustache resting my head of my partially curled right hand. I look wryly amused.

The panel is a Lojban translation of "Deaf. Autism. Please Be Patient" in Latin & zbalermorna script. (This signage is on my door, just so people will know what they're getting into.) is my ambulatory account.

Arjen Haayman

Webontwikkelaar, rijdt in een banaan (velomobiel/ligfiets), improv theater, ( Jiddisch koor. Tja wat kun je allemaal over jezelf vertellen, we moeten elkaar maar gewoon leren kennen? Hier ben ik waarschijnlijk toch weer anders dan aan de 'overkant'



🇳🇱 Nederlander, I like #programming, long #conversations, #reading, long #walks, #sailing and #whiskey.

Currently studying Software Engineering and part-timing as programmer.


Teacher (history & maths), musician and amateur birder

Sebastian Hagens

Vader, ondernemer, webdeveloper, techconsultant | voorvechter van digitale autonomie #decentraal | admin op van @nieuw_westbrabant | #wielrennen & #gravel Cervélo Aspero | #circuit Honda Civic | Most of my toots are Dutch, find my English toots at @sebastix

“Maak van jouw verwachting niet mijn verplichting” #pluralist #stoïcijn


Pronouns: He/Him
@ClaudetteK’s husband.

Likes tech, SF/Fantasy, TTRPGs and good conversations. Often wacky. Mostly harmless.

I believe that we need kindness and connection to solve the challenges we face today. We also need the determination to do better & hold those accountable who put greed above a living, equitable world.

“Conversation may not be a dying art, but it •is• severely injured.” – Kermit the Frog


Freelance Web Developer. Wants to automate everything, if not possible I’ll still find a way to do so. Likes stuff related to DevOps and #Bitcoin

Timo Bakx

Webdeveloper at Linku Nijmegen, building things with PHP, Symfony and API Platform. Symfony CARE team member.

Zef Hemel

Organizational hacker. Nice as a person. Creator of SilverBullet.

Maarten den Braber

Admin of

Jelle van der Pal

ICT-ondernemer met subsidie . Heeft relatie met de liefste 💞💘 - Wandelt veel rondjes - Vrijwilliger ook nog. - Doet mee aan onderzoek