Marco Abis - personal

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Just trying out GoToSocial, I like giraffes


Luke Marsden

Tech lead, Founder, Tech person interested in distributed systems and MLOps (DevOps for ML)

Alessio Bragadini :friendfeed:

Usenet in the 1990s. Facebook in the 2000s. Twitter in the 2010s. #FriendFeed forever. He/Him.


A programming language to let developers build trace-driven, deployless, serverless backends.

Lorenzo Barbieri (He/Him)

Human Interactions - Business, Technical & Community. Cloud & AI Jedi, Solutions Architect, International Speaker, Book Author, Problem Solver.

Henrik M

full stack clojure hacker, euroracker, founder of stuff, family guy

Observability for a distributed world. Designed for engineers to debug platforms, microservices, serverless apps, and enable collaborative problem-solving.

Amy Renee

All things networking and security.

Community contributor, sharer of knowledge, purveyor of puns, curator of amusement. Wielder of snark & sparkly bats.

#networking #security #snark #doggos #puns


Tech geek, polyglot coder, old-school agilista ex #ThoughtWorks, interested in tackling the climate crisis, being a good intersectional ally, and coping as a parent.
Like to tinker in #rust #rustlang #clojure #typescript #dataviz and others.
Pronouns he/him
Aussie living in #LeightonBuzzard UK
All opinions and comments are my own.

Jonathan Matthews

A #cloud'y #linux #sysadmin in the UK. He/him & Pan.

Currently mucking about with #cuelang #plaintextaccounting #i3wm #selfhosting and #degoogle’ing by moving from ChromeOS to some kind of #linux on a pair of StarLabs laptops.

Very happy to talk about anything related (or adjacent) to tech; or anything unrelated - so long as it includes #respect for people and #empathy for folks feelings :-) #nobot


Nerd, geek, otaku

Marco Abis

Recovering entrepreneur - Runner πŸƒ OSS & SDGs 🌱
Currently VP of Corporate Engineering @ air up

Mark Phillips

30 years in tech. Now helping teams build great products.