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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Pratik Patel

This account moved to @ppatel

Please follow me there.

I am a blind technologist, humanist, a voracious devourer of books, speaker, writer, and a thinker, who finds himself championing accessibility for fun and necessity. I'm currently exploring the complex world of AR and VR worlds to find best ways to achieve full accessibility for disabled people.

Oh and give me your fun book recommendations: be it nonfiction, science fiction and fantasy, romance, mystery, and more.

Fede Opitz

J. Darío

Escritor sin lectores. Comunista e internacionalista.

Cualquier muestra de LGTB-fobia, racismo, misoginia, anticomunismo y similares será combatida en mi perfil mediante el bloqueo de los usuarios o instancias implicadas.

Paweł Masarczyk

Somewhere between podcasting, accessibility testing, travelling and tweeting in Braille. #a11y #Android #iOS #music #languages pol/eng

Jonathan Chacón

Investigador y desarrollador en accesibilidad, usabilidad y nuevas tecnologías

Devin Prater

Accessibility drives me. (Wow that felt weird to write) blogger, gamer (sometimes), reader, and always coming up with stupid jokes and wordplay. I had to leave my old account because storage got full and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Ah well.

Héctor Benítez

Samuel Proulx

I'm the Accessibility Evangelist at Fable ( I talk about Accessibility, screen readers, blindness, inclusive design, Fable, and more. I'm a life-long blind screen reader user. This is my account for professionally related toots; personal stuff is elsewhere.


Historiadora, aunque a veces hago de todo menos historia. He trabajado 2 días (o así) en un archivo y ahora no tengo otra personalidad.
Me gusta la comida, el arte y la gente simpática y roja.
Ha llegado un punto en mi vida en el que todo es un meme.
Hablo mucho de mi✨depresión✨


Blind fanfiction lover (MLP or Harry Potter), settled on mastodon as my home. Professional toots live @fastfinge, casual stuff lives here. searchable
Note: I block anyone quoting posts without notice. If you do that, you're not welcome on my timeline. Thanks!
Disclaimer: the views expressed here do not represent the views of my employer, or even, sometimes, myself. I reserve the right to change my mind; a hot take that I dashed off on Mastodon might not be my forever opinion.

Zehra C

Global Justice | FinTech, InsurTech, AIEthics, Data Privacy | Art, History, Previously Cinéphile, Running.

José Manuel Delicado

Ingeniero del software y máster en ingeniería informática por la URJC. Consultor de accesibilidad tecnológica en Laberit.