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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Preston Maness ☭

Free Software fan (love #linux). Spent 20 years in Austin, TX #atx #austin. Now in Fort Worth #FortWorth #Benbrook. BSEE from #TXST, 2014. Currently ((2^5)+1) years old.

Things I used to do:

1. day-job slinging #dotnet core back-end code
2. graveyard shift at #amazon warehouse (DAU1)
3. #DoorDash to make ends meet (the ends did not, in fact, meet)
4. Doordash to pay for my #AppalachianTrail thru-hike in April 2023
5. Postponing the hike to deal with #ChronicIllness (#pancreatitis)

Right now? I'm just trying to survive.

I'm a revolutionary #MarxistLeninist, #diabetic, #diabetes, #MarxismLeninism, #Marxism #Communism #Socialism

🇺🇸 Eng (native) 🇲🇽 Esp (A2/B1)

PeerTube: @aspensmonster

Lemmy: @aspensmonster

Bookwyrm: @aspensmonster

Eric Brandom

Intellectual history, especially of modern France. Teaching Caribbean history as well as Digital Games & History. Associate editor of *Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains*. Book in progress on Georges Sorel & the Third Republic. searchable

Recent writing: "Against the Hierarchy of Knowledge: Georges Sorel, Education, and Revolution" in *French History*:

🌺 Nataly M 🌺 :mastodon:

🐘 Una forastera recién llegada a Mastodon

Queeres Zentrum Tübingen

Queeres Leben in Tübingen braucht ein Dach über dem Kopf!

Das queeres Zentrum soll einen Ort schaffen sich zu treffen, solidarisch zu verbünden, sich gegenseitig zu empowern und zu feiern, unser Wissen und unsere Ressourcen zu teilen und zu wachsen. Wir wollen ein Zuhause sein für die vielfältigen und unterstützenden Angebote, die es von und für unsere Community schon gibt und noch geben wird. Das QZT soll möglichst diskriminierungs- und barrierearm gestaltet sein und alle Menschen einladen, die die queere Szene in Tübingen mitgestalten möchten!

Sei dabei! Plenum jeden Dienstag 18:30 Uhr, Ort per Mail oder DM

Alle Infos:



Accessibility lead/ Lead UX tester for an online education platform. Formerly of Apple, where I was an accessibility trainer. Cult survivor; currently writing my memoir. In it, I tell the story of using the internet to get help and break free of a cult over a 20-year period. Living happily with my partner Chris in Colorado. Tech enthusiast. Accessible cook. Empath. Legally blind. Neurodivergent with autistic tendencies. ME/CFS patient.

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

Call me Kate. Living with kidney disease, and on the transplant list. Almost totally blind, I'm here for Muppets, Star Trek, cartoons, fanfiction and friends. I also am finding I spend a lot of time talking about the need for alt text. Please use it.


Hi, I'm Talon. I make music, develop audio games, advocate for accessibility, record and design sounds, do accessibility work during the day, and this is an account on an instance that may or may not break horribly in the future. I keep saying this isn't my main account, but for now I'm probably gonna post here a lot.

The Kitchen Bitches 🐕‍🦺⚜️

I'm a #Deafblind #NeuroDivergent introvert using #Braille ad tactile #ASL for communication. Caffeine and books are my love language. I'm a Queer kitchen #witch interested in #cooking and #AromaTherapy,. My dogs are my people. Phoenix is 4 and is my owner trained #ServiceDog. Callisto is in training to work for me as well. They are both #GoldenRetrievers. I take terrible pictures of dogs and food and write very bad alt text because I can't see the pictures I take! 😂

Mohamed Al-Hajamy 💾

Blind, love modules, MIDI files, especially those made for the Roland SC-88Pro and later, ringtones and obscure music and music formats in general, old technology, and many other things. He/him.

Miguel González


Mi primera cuenta no sobrevivió a mi depresión.
Me gusta:
- El código (:clang:/:cxx:/:java:/:python:, ASM, :vim:, :ubuntu_logo:)
- Los ordenadores retro (Spectrum/Amstrad/MSX/:commodore:/Amiga)
- El Metal 🎸 🎤

Me he escrito un emulador:
:flag_transgender: :progresspride_flag: :flag_asexual:

Persona enformática-linux-user-on-the-desktop. Relaciones humanas nivel usuario. Hice un curso de Udemy de tratar con personas.
Alt-text de mi Avatar: Mi personaje de Animal Crossing, un muñeco de cara redonda y pelo blanco rizado, con la nariz pequeña. Llevo unas gafas de sol, un gorro de pelo y sonrío ligeramente.