owl owl@gts.u8.is

Open on gts.u8.is

Owl from the taiga.

Please interact before sending a follow request.

Lives in Norrland with heartfriend @krummi and adopted cats.
Likes forests, fells, languages, synths, folky music/art.

:autism: :intersex: :agender_kitty:


Anke @Anke@social.scribblers.club

she/her or they/their, elder Millennial, German, soft nerd

Icon is a yellow swirl shape surrounded by a red glow on a blue background.


clacke@libranet.de is my main @notclacke@pleroma.soykaf.com

Flawesome. Saving the world by saving first-world problems.

My main is at https://libranet.de/~clacke .

matipa @furtivo@weirder.earth

This is a vent account please keep that in mind :)

Nauga Clown @naugeleh@weirder.earth

Clown, musician, stilt dancer, singer, science person. She/her pronouns. Trans rights are human rights.

<p>Kokomi <img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/657738573012795405/1120099041263493171/small_both.jpg" alt="" /></p> @Paradox@trollian.space

Feel free to send a follow request, I accept most stuff.

Its me Star I'm here to commit crimes
we are a system! also have lots of identity issues. we use different prefixes to show who's talking!
< is Star/Glimmer, ce/cer, she/her they/them(u can also call me meteor)
~< is paimon!! she/it (@paimon)
--< is terra, she/they
:3< is nova, they/it
x< is cobalt, xe/xir
>< purple, she/her
~-< is Kokomi; she/her. "Her Excellency" also works
>X< is Jinx, she/her, might just not use a prefix (@catastrophicChaos)
<​I< is Essem, she/it. (@Deicide)
There's also some others but idk they havent been around a lot. also its mostly just meteor who fronts.

If u want to give me money I have a kofi: https://ko-fi.com/baryons . Idk why you'd wanna, but I like having money

Posts a lot about mental health issues, CWd, on followers only. You've been warned!

void friend @spun_off@mamot.fr

mother of tadpoles, aunt of kittens

Viv @viv@weirder.earth

Anti-establishment. Functioning Dopamine Addict.

I toot food, life, music, pro-wrestling etc. I also rant a lot and get angry a lot.

I also make jokes no one understands.

(My pic is Quick Ben from Malazan series, and the header is a bunch of sunflowers that I clicked on a visit to a garden.)

Follow requests welcome! Account locked to keep bots, empty profiles and unwelcome actors at bay.

Sasha @Sashawe@eldritch.cafe

Tak! @Tak@glitch.taks.garden

Social Justice Bard

Follow requests welcome

My opinions are the legally binding positions held by all past, current, and future employers

挑食 is :battery_full: -ing 💙💛 @unperson@weirder.earth

NEET / software and music nerd-wannabe / radicalized, disillusioned and paranoid; recalibrating.

Avatar: a feral cat I’d visit daily until they eventually disappeared. Header: seaside, somewhere in China.

Currently enjoying this…
- …album: Spiral
- …book: The Singularity is Near
- …game: Mountain
- …show: カウボーイビバップ 第1期

Items picked at random from ongoing list
Bio auto-updated at 2023-09-01T00:00:35+08:00

Xenharmonic Forest @sudoreboot@sunbeam.city

Creative a{u,r}tist and pseudo-academic autodidact.

Likes #xenharmonic and melancholic #music, #physics, #maths, #autumn, #birds, hard #scifi, #space, #solarpunk, #voidpunk, and niche #games. #fedi23

Proponent of expressive type systems; composable code; immutable variables; reproducible outputs; copyleft licenses; bespoke interoperable software.

@aeki is eir favourite person and life companion.

Humans mostly suck, but there are plenty of exceptions. Mammal without consent.

green kingfisher @aeki@beach.city


My posting frequency is erratic.
I may post about mental health, plants, animals, computers.

avatar alt-text: a digital drawing I made of a small round headed penguin holding on to a glacier. The penguin looks hopeful but a bit helpless.

@sudoreboot is my life companion.