Sammy 🐾

Open on

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.



Haru春 :pride_verify: 🧙‍♀️ E♭🎶:fediverse:

Follow requests welcome!

Profile pic: A psychedelic Shinx (light blue and yellow electric cat pokemon)
Banner: Sunset with scattered clouds, with blue, orange, yellow and purple tones

If you like basically any of my posts, I will probably follow you

Strange loop within a concentration of low entropy, living in
#Meanjin on unceded Jagera/Turrbal land with my lovely wife and doggo. Justice for all. ​:aboriginal_flat:​

I'm a practising
#CyberWitch and a player of the mighty Anglo #concertina.

The Australian Magpie (Galamarin) is my spirit animal.

Interests include
#clouds #birds #insects #flowers #dogs #astronomy #folkmusic #art #photography #media #sculpture #space #philosophy #postmodernism #absurdism #socialjustice #witchcraft #paganism #folkmagic #solarpunk #etymology #archaeology #folkhistory

Kindness is the highest virtue.
​:adhd_butterfly:​ ​:enby_fire:​

I have ME/CFS and Bipolar
#spoonie and those really hinder my ability to be out in the world and socialise, so online socialising means a lot to me, replies are most welcome (though please ask first before being super affectionate ​:shinx_hug:​ )

My Emotes

I also have a bot that toots all my youtube likes if you want

I have follower requests on, will reject any blank profiles or failed vibe checks

#nobot #noindex #nosearch


autistic and agender and poly and plural

does a computer

#nobot #noarchive #noindex




Green Dogo || Radio Hacker || Fire Dispatcher || 📡WU7ANG📟 || 私はGoogle翻訳を使用 || Cyberpunk || Surfs the radio wave of SIN || Ⓐ🏴🏳️‍🌈 || He/Him || Pulled triggers on a tank once! :D

professional internet cat

hi i'm anna, or fef for short

a transed gender anarcho-communist frying pansexual neurodivergent catgirl hacker? on the fediverse? it's more likely than you think.

my posts may give a different impression, but i am in fact way over 20 years old. also check out my webbed site for even more mildly interesting stuff. canary message thingy that i reliably fail to update:

all opinions expressed here are strictly those of my employer. i'm unemployed btw.

⚠️ i have no idea how computers work and cannot be trusted to safely operate one ⚠️


living softly in a sharp world

30s, she/her

❍ is...
trans (anniv - jan, 2019), pansexual, demisexual, demiromantic, polyamorous
disabled, cptsd, adhd, bpd

♢ likes...
pixel art, sketching, photography
game dev, electronic music, retro games
wellness, anime, caring for animals

♡ loves...
her life partners: jm, lily, and kairi

(avatar alt text: a watercolor of lucienne from the game lucienne's quest. header alt text: official sketches of lucienne)

mx amber alex

The transsexual dyke your liberal columnists warned you about.

Part-time woman, full-time nuisance. May contain traces of neurodivergence. Cisn't. Now you say ‘pronouns in bio’ because you have no other jokes.

Anti-fascism. Intersectional & queer feminism. Prison abolition. Liberation for all. International solidarity. I've been around long enough to see every discourse several times over, so spare me the bullshit.

Disabled, white, queer, adult (mid-20s), thank fuck not American.


» F «

technologist | anarchist | agender | trans | queer | ace | autistic | disabled | vegan | tattooed | used to make games | now making a better world

chaos ΘΔ& (it/she)

it/she; vessel age 20; non-person plural genderfucky nonbiney dykeboy; transmasc girlthing

other headmates: @foxkid

likes: cooking, cuddling, plushies, being smol, kinky fun, lewd shenaniganary, trains, public transit, lego, fungi, latex, more
dislikes but does anyway: computers (btw i use nixos)

most of us are kids bc trauma and others age regress and autism affects our age and whatever else age stuff
boosts ok for all public posts unless explicitly stated otherwise, including selfies and lewds

follows good :3

avatar alt: a selfie of our vessel, a white androgenous human body, with hair going over side of face colours going from dark blue to blue to purple to violet purple, thin famed glasses, a black tshirt with some green graphics, in a bedroom
banner alt: a black red cross fox standing on a road

Alex :transgender_heart:

Alex she/her
 and terrible at these BIO things

Yes, I'm a girl, on the internet. Deal with it.

Sysadmin background, primarily linux. Also deployment pipelines apparently.

Recently got into DnD. Re-learning how to have fun and enjoy myself.

:heart_trans: HRT 11/Jan/2022

Feel free to request a follow, but have a bio or posts for a vibe check. Lewds are posted to followers only on occasion but are content warned as such. Flirting is ok, DMs open. Chasers, TERFS, etc can go fuck the fuck off.

:polyarmory_icon:​ :transgender_heart: :neurodiversity:

Protect trans kids

#trans #transfemme #lgbtq+ #ND #neurodiverse #autistic #ACAB #BLM



カプリ — 캅리 — 卡普里

Σ (A : 𝒰 α) (B : 𝒰 β) : 𝒰 (α ⊔ β) ≜
_,_ (a : A) (b : B)

g = (a: A) → f::<B>(a.g(b));

(ÿ (a) (f :b (g a) b))

am gay


I've been informed that this is where all the cool tranarchists hang out. So, hi. I'm Kassandra, though some know me as Kalliope. I prefer they/them but I am okay with she/her. Technically a historian. Most certainly a 22 year old transbian.