Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir

Open on

A fellow random number generator.


Jonan Gallastegui

Fisikaria, irakaslea, xake-jokalaria, korrikalaria, mendigoizalea eta beste zenbait gauza gehiago.

Physicist, teacher, chess player, runner, lover of mountains and more things.


theruran 🌐🏴

contents: cautionary cyberpunk aesthetic; boosting signal; not that spicy~

PhD candidate in model-based systems engineering #MBSE

currently in an abusive relationship with my computer. #noBot

seriously won't shut up about #Ada / #SPARK and #LISP

making progress in my own way.
don't hate; appreciate.

#systemsPraxis: #systemsThinking + #systemDynamics + #systemsEngineering #antifragility #formalMethods #mind and #nature
#retroComputing #OSdev #progLangDesign #fediScholar

Levi Beach

A dreamer working in communication with visual, sonic, and lingual domains.

unrznbl (Craig Comstock)

ed(1) enthusiast/working toward orgmode-ish for ed, osmocom-bb/mediatek/fernvale hacker, musician, other things. Bands: this is my condition (2003-2023), tun (2021-present), black calvin (1994-1996 ish?), unrznbl (developing 2023)


| Internet connoisseur |

| IRC aficionado |

| Run-on sentences |

| PSO is my favorite game |

| Enjoy interacting with networks |

| Want to understand computers intimately |

Camden 🛸

Working in digital humanities, interested in the weird and obscure.

Armin Preiml

Just another traveler through space and time.

Contributor to the cryptographic module.

Potato Engineer

Some Random Engineer(SRE). | The North |


Michael Christophersson— Artist, VFX Artist, Graphic Designer, Motion Designer, Colourist, Indie Dev. ΛERIF°RM

Yomu :msdos: :unverified:

Aspirante Artista, Informatico a tempo perso
Retro Soul
Anon di 4Chan in cerca di redenzione

non chiedetemi nulla su Doom.