Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir

Open on

A fellow random number generator.



I care about programming, philosophy, socioeconomic equality and being kind to one another. Currently working on the Hare programming language, 3D graphics, and studying philosophy at UCL. I post on Please try Hare!


Artsy Dev

#Turborrealism #LowRes[olution|ources]

Trying to improve the world. Interested on resilience, low size software, esoteric interface design etc.

Starshine 🧱 🏳️‍⚧️ 🌜

30 | British | Trans | Bi | Dyspraxic | Netizen | Recovering Tech Person | FOSS | Slow Movement | Nature | Starshine's Pages on Neocities


My boosting or following of an individual does not necessarily equal endorsement or approval.


Armando Pamplona

Jag Talon

He/him. Toots in Tagalog and English.

👋 Currently working as a product designer for the Tor Project. Previously a frontend engineer and product designer at DuckDuckGo.

Interested in anarchism, mutual aid, permacomputing, abolition, anti-capitalism, privacy, and the natural world at the moment. :blob_anar_raccoon:

Grew up in the Philippines, now living in Philadelphia.

Sergei Kolesnikov

I'm a software engineer, photographer, and professional procrastinator

William D. Jones

Another important fact about me is that I collect ISA cards. I still don't believe in magic- just concepts I don't understand yet.


unfortunate computer user
accidental C++ developer


A software person, but not here in professional capacity—I use social media for learning in groups.

I have a linkblog:

Photo is me in 5th grade, taken with a DigitalEyes camera on an Apple IIGS



Hi, I'm Scott. Or sdl. Or FiveToedSloth. I'm interested in retro-computing, Plan 9, photography with film, motorcycles, bicycles, the electric bass and tubas. You know, the typical combination.

I have a wife, two daughters, a dog, a pickup truck and a shitty house in the 'burbs.

I work for a public school district as the SIS admin. (This is decidedly not fun.)

There is too much blood in my coffee/whiskey system.
