blackle mori

Open on

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


Xenon Fiber (backup aspect)

raccoons good

this is our backup account

Sib Crash

Did you hear about the person who lost all their friends because no one could ever seem to tell if they were genuinely asking a question or just setting up a joke?


cs enthusiast but love math and am a brick at it


"setting up my profile rn! gimme a second!" - sam evans, 07/05/23 after setting up their account

minor, any pronouns are ok, if u dont like silliness and goofing please dni.



Early 30s boy-flavored agender foxbold.

Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights.

Posts about tech, bad jokes, probably other stuff too. Occasionally lewd.

Follow requests welcome, but know that I go through them infrequently.

Native English speaker, aprendiendo español.


☣️ lyre ☣️

harp/lyre | she/her | 21 | fan of big robots and small websites

i welcome being sent photos of either of the above, and am reachable on many different platforms

interested in #LARP, #Netrunner, #programming, and #gender, among many other things

:Fire_Trans: :Fire_Bisexual: :Fire_Polyamory:


| Anti-Fascist | Anti-Racist | BLM | LGBTQ+ Rights |

Post-punk nerd working in sustainable Ag and food security. Into growing, fermenting, and brewing. And smashing that global fascism thing. Speedrunning the journey from crow enthusiast to crow weirdo.

I'm searchable

Lourinaldo 🏳️‍🌈

Hi, I am a gay cis man living with my boyfriend for nine years. I am a Brazilian chemistry teacher who loves reading, especially comic books and sci-fi novels. I am a Gorillaz and Oasis fan and a tech and graphics design enthusiast.

The Saltiest Granlund

Twin Citizen, beer and food geek, mobile products.
Lefty, Salty, Hungry

The_Gibson :veilid:

Hacker, infosec, APT3319

Working on Veilid.

Reigning EFF Tech Trivia Champion

Mayor of

A meat serf in a digital cropsharing arrangement.

A netizen of New Cyberia.

he/him they/them

Boosts do not equal endorsement.

D. Schmudde

The revolution will not be computed. Lead curator, Gallery 404. Researcher, Beyond the Frame. Born: 335ᵖᵖᵐ CO2. Find out more: `finger`.

👥 CTO of Yorba in Turin, Italy.