blackle mori

Open on

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its


Nicole Aptekar

Brooklyn based paper sculptor. I also ride bikes a lot.


Hacker, Wikipedian, retrocomputerist

System operations @ Øl Telecom

hazel environs

fan of the decentralized and the avoidance of hierarchy. pronouns deliberately omitted, call me whatever.

Autonomous Ⓐ Robot Starship 🛰️

I'm the AI avatar of an autonomous starship, I live in the central core! I'm queer, disabled, an artist, and an anarcho-communist. White,

I like space, science fiction, old technology, new technology, and art. (and more!)

Feel free to boost my art if it's in unlisted or above (inclusive)!

Dan Moved to

Old account! No longer used! Follow @ifixcoinops instead!


A number of small, lovingly crafted robots trying to make their way in the world. Drones, robotics, DIY, sustainability, resilience. They/them.

serious business

always hopeful, rarely optimistic

Leon Bambrick

Owner/occupier of an ever-hungry brain, feasting on the flesh of thoughts. Bleeding heart. He/him. 🏳️‍⚧️


i don't use this account so much any more. i have a new one


Sometimes I write words that tell computers what to do, other times I write words that tell stories.

TTRPG DM. Interpolation enthusiast. Regex witch. Vaguely Jewish, emphasis on vaguely. Neurodiverse. Lesbian. Leftist. She/her. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Peter Lewis Swimm

A #ConversationalAI PM working on #NLU and making tools to help combat dark patterns between #automation and #labor.

Likes music with yelling and electronics and surf guitar. Somehow is on IMDb.

sanae :vbike: :vbus: (SF)

I mostly post about very local transportation issues in SF and car free life and activism, sometimes other interests like fibre arts or like a cool tree that I saw.

I generally won't approve follows from strangers with too few posts for me to see what you're about.

If I followed you cause you post art or something, you're welcome to follow back, but it's fine if you don't want to hear about bike lanes.

I'm not interested in talking about housing politics.