502 Bad GaytWay (nicole) uniporn@toot.kif.rocks

Open on toot.kif.rocks

- verweigert die Aussage und wird durchschaut
- gewillt zu lernen und dabei zu helfen
- maskiert das Gesicht nicht erst seit es alle coolen Kids machen
- 44203 is a prime number
- trash with some positive qualities
- flirting is weird tbh, if we interacted for a bit feel free to ask though
get pronouns - they're free :)
Do *not* "dude"/"bro"/"guy" me. I am neither of those.
DM before sending follow requests or I won't see it.
not cis apparently :o


DysphoricUnicorn🪿 @dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

You can read my blog posts on dysphoric.dev, if that sounds like your jam.

I am somewhat selective in which follow requests I accept, please have at least a bio or be mutuals with someone I know before sending a request.

Pronouns: they/them, she/her or nin/nins

Image descriptions:
Profile picture: A Sims 4 character with pink and purple hair taking a selfie in front of a progress pride flag.
Header image: A Gracht in Amsterdam during the evening. There's multiple sight seeing boats visible. The picture is heavily edited to give the water a beautiful blue tint and boost the effect the street lights have on their surroundings.