The Hell of Dating Apps

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Because it’s covid and it seems that being only in the company of one rather angry cat for two years, I feel it is time that I put myself out there to have some kind of romantic relationship.

Obviously I’ve had a couple of casual sexual encounters in the last two years, but I guess this exclusion from the world has given me the need to have some arms to melt into while watching Brand Name Streaming Service(tm) for the 700th consecutive day in a row.

Because you know, Deltacron, I’ve put myself in there by downloading the standard faceless torso apps. Oh boy. Jésus. Why.

On one of them I started to create m profile and instantly received a message that read, and quote “face pix”.

No salut, no ça va (I’d even accept a sava at this point) just a demand. No thanks.

The other app I’m on, got about 1 message but I’ve not actually wrote my profile yet, and of course that first person ghosted me after saying hi. Voilà.

The internet sucks boys and there is no way in hell I’m downloading Tinder.