[redacted identity] ~English@blog.sus.fr

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I write things here in English, can also be found at archive.sus.fr

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LJ Post 1257680

My russian friend - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1257297

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1256756

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1257057

3 80s - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1566559

I heart 80s - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1566805

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1567008

Americans redoing tv - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1255774

730am - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1567369

1567369 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1255502

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1256101

North American Folk - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1256498

Americans redoing tv - Originally posted to LiveJournal