[redacted identity] ~English@blog.sus.fr

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I write things here in English, can also be found at archive.sus.fr

Latest articles

Hello Tardigrade

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

LJ Post 1561121

On This Day 5 Years Ago - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Backend Changes (WWW)

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Rachety Rachet

Fuck knows why I went for this title

It's been a while

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

First Update from Barcelona

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Some musings from Mastodon

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Installing Plume on lj.gl

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

December 32nd 2020

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Email drives me insane

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

LJ Post 1561011

mmn The World of Blogs Lies All Before You - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Happy Christmas !

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive