[redacted identity] ~English@blog.sus.fr

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I write things here in English, can also be found at archive.sus.fr

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LJ Post 1369629

Good Fricken Morgen - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1369476

This Week - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1369195

iPhone uploads - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1369056

FO Um k - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1368393

Thank You NHS - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1368110

Friday - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1368787

Classic Maccery and Various Things - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1367416

Saturdays are ARSE - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1367598

FO Whats also really making everything worse - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1367903

FO I normally dont post Friends Only - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1367120

New Desktop - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1366411

Dingus fails exams and sues university - Originally posted to LiveJournal