LJ Post 1538087

Working on Nanoblogger - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I have been diddling on and off with Nanoblogger for some time, if you don't know what it is, it's basically a blogging platform that works on Bash.

It's unfortunately gone out of development as of 2013, but if you have the patience to work with it, I can assure you that it is actually quite flexible.  Plus you get the joy of beating something in to submission at the command line level.

I've put my BBS website in to production using Nanoblogger which makes handling the site easier to move around since it's all flat files, plus if I need to make a code update then I can just modify one file, push an update and we there.  No databases, no script issues, just nice flat files.

One of the things I have mentioned before is that I want to bring my data in house, because you never know if a service is going to fall down, which we have seen a number of sites fall down and take a few years of work with them.

For my blogging, I've started to use Wordpress as it was simplier to import a bulk load of old entries over, with the exception of course, being LiveJournal since the API has gone all wonky #sadface. But I'm trying to push things out on to not only my personal blogs, but dump them in another Nanoblogger install on Teleport.

One of the thing that held me back with Nanoblogger was that commenting isn't as easy to do, but I'm not really saying I get a lot (if any) comments on my posts, but it's nice to have around.

So this morning, I worked with Disqus on the Teleport website, turns out that was pretty easy to get going.  Now I have to work out which content to drag across, I'm not really going to put it as one of my main websites, but having an archive of various things I've done is pretty cool.  Considering that at the moment, it's LiveJournal that holds 18 years of my internet mumblings.
