π’ŽTaliaγŠε§‰γ•γ‚“ πŸ’œ πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ darkwiiplayer@tech.lgbt

Open on tech.lgbt

Your average #Lua fangirl and akaviriboo here to promote the gay agenda β›§πŸ’œ

Interests include, but are not limited to:
- Anime
- Programming
- Gaming
- I really just suck at being a grown-up, honestly.

Some acronyms I really like are CSS, SVG, MQTT, JSON, HTTP, IPoAC and probably more that I'm just not remembering.

Diagnosed with nothing, but I mysteriously always find myself relating more to ASD and ADHD people the most. Must be some weird coincidence πŸ€”

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