デイヴ deivudesu@mastodon.social
Pinch of doubt, dash of empathy, heaps of sarcasm.
Dislikes: cocksure stupidity & bad statistics.
Rambles on:
#data #climate #genomics #bioinformatics #machinelearning #japanese #biking #electronicmusic #coding #deOmniReScibili
Can be occasionally spotted in or near:
#tokyo #japan #london #uk #lyon #france
Does climate and data stuff at https://tenko.ai
Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch
Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.