Emily Love (she/her) :queercat_trans: :queercat_ace: emlove@void.lgbt

Open on void.lgbt
#autistic #trans woman, #feminist, #polyamorous, #asexual, #panromantic, #socialist, #pianist, #artist, software engineer. she/her

I live in a big house with my primary partner Erica in Chicago. We run a little commune with our two cats Bubs and Dario, and a rotating cast of guests who stay with us. I’m a white transgender woman, and have been on hormones since 2019. In my spare time I like to play the piano, watch TV, and play video games or board games. I can get really hooked into engineering based games like Kerbal Space Program, and Factorio. I also love messing with home automation projects, and was a big contributor to the @homeassistant@fosstodon.org project in the past! I still use it today at home.

I run ✨ @communitystar@lgbtqia.space ✨ with my partner Erica!

Adelie is a Foxgirl @careth@fedi.lesbianforest.club

she/they, part of a nonbinary transfeminine plural system (@aulne), lesbian, gray ace, kinky, polyamorous, autistic, anarchist, goofy, geeky (computers, audio/music, sci-fi), caring


extremely imprecise age info: millennial
as precise as I feel safe saying location info: Chicago

Not new to the fediverse. Might be lewd sometimes (with appropriate CWs).

Follow requests welcome! I have them in place to weed out potential bad actors.

Please consider being a mutual. I periodically unfollow personal accounts that don't follow back. I'm looking for friends, not just people to ogle.