Rune :BlobhajShock:

Open on

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

The profile picture is a file icon with a "Cult of the Party Parrot" parrot drawn on. There's a large cross over the bottom right corner indicating the parrot was not found.

If you can see my joined date as a date beyond January 2028 please let me know what client and server you're using :BlobhajShock:

#nobot #noindex


:flan_whmage: :flan_q:

Warning: may occasionally contain content. Consume in moderation.


Rural Hacker, he/him

Free Software/NixOS/Guix/Haskell/Rust/C | Cycling/Bird Spotting/Music/Trains

Boost != Endorsement

Dee (orb mode) :heart_nb:

Hello, I'm Dee, sometimes known as DeeUnderscore.

My instance is broken. My replies may never reach you.

People have alleged that I exist. Regardless of whether I do or not, I am an adult. I post about stuff, things, and assorted nonsense. I'm trash with some positive qualities.

I am hopeless at approving follow requests (seriously, sometimes it takes me weeks). To make it easier for me, please don't be Bad if you send one. I prefer it when I can read your vibe from your profile.

You can reply to me even if we're strangers, but please do not do so to argue or be snarky at me.

enby :heart_nb: they/them or ze/zem/zir

but there's fire in our dreams

piuvas :lila_heart_purple:​

carnivorous by design;
beware this hungry :lila_heart_pink: of mine.


10,000 days in the fire is long enough...


Intentionally left blank.

bugbear :neurodiversity:

alt: @bugbear

An autistic #Computing #Student in #Edinburgh, #Scotland (not Scottish)

I'd appreciate if you respected #noindex #noarchive and #nobot tags in my profile.
Well, now that that's out of the way:

there's always time for boba
lactose intolerant
you could call me an SJW, but I prefer social justice mage.
my toots don't represent views of my therapist.

Feel free to send follow request, I'll just check your profile for vibe check

and you don't seem to understand...

Mage :verified_blobcat:

I do computer related stuff,
mostly programming but sometimes I build network related stuff :^)


New to the whole fediverse thing ...

Jeder :akko_woozy: :queercat_agender:

I am a grumpy 23 year old autistic enby/agender mess, I like trackballs and Comic Sans MS very much. I am posting in either polish or english.

kategoria E enjoyer (

Feel free to send a follow request if I already follow you. Otherwise I'll do a vibe check (not being a fascist and not having 4chan brainworms will most likely be enough)

Livestreams at

Avatar made by numenoko


they/she • disclosure: in my 20s, white, probably neurodivergent

mod thanks for laughing at my puns and faving my meows 😽

👋 feel free to request to follow; i will, however, usually only accept if i also want to follow back and be mutuals! (i generally tend to find it rather uncomfortable following someone / having someone follow me without being mutuals.)

:nonbinary_heart:​ :tranarchy:​ :antifacist_action: :neurodiversity: :fedora_linux: :gnome:


Profile pic: A white, masc-presenting, non-binary person is taking a mirror selfie with a cyan colored phone. There's a green plant in the foreground that is also reflected in the mirror.

Header: A single brown mushroom among pale lichen.

who the hell is duc? :enbyfied: :verifiedcat:

fan of:
- motorsports

more nyan-binary by the day (enby is fine)
possibly nd (specifically autistic), but really don't know and nowhere near dx

if you wanna give me money for no reason at all: (seriously, i have no huge need for it rn, but it's always nice to have some extra to spend - note that other people probably have a bigger need for it than i do)