Rune :BlobhajShock:

Open on

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

The profile picture is a file icon with a "Cult of the Party Parrot" parrot drawn on. There's a large cross over the bottom right corner indicating the parrot was not found.

If you can see my joined date as a date beyond January 2028 please let me know what client and server you're using :BlobhajShock:

#nobot #noindex


controlled by Big UwU Furry

please be patient it takes a while to type with pawbs

welcome to follow but please fill out your bio a little

pretend internet dog
parasocial acquaintance of dorothy
communism ☭, shitposting, ffxiv

[:babaKatt:] Cacomorp :ironFront:​​:enbyCrossbow:​​:sparkles2:

:aToxicBarrel:​ Welcome to my lair~ :anAeshteticBarrel:​

Once a dreadful denizen from Monsterpit, now haunting the halls of :babaTootsite:​

Once every full-moon, I might do meepmorps 🎨

Please note I will mainly only accept follow requests if you've interacted with me, either by replying to one of my toots, or by DMing me. Blank bios will be rejected outright. :blobShrug:​

I try to caption most of my media toots. :sparklesToot:​

Анархия-мама за нас! :circleA:​

Danny (he/they)

Trained in #microbiology because I am curious about the ubiquity and diversity of microbial life, but fled academia to labour towards a decentralized, compassionate and creative system of #DIYBio.
To this end I'm organizing with Biotech Without Borders.

Avatar: Person smiling wearing a lab coat
Header: B&W landscape littered piles of round objects (S.aureus on skin!)

#OpenScience #CommunityBio #FrugalInnovation #bacteria

Zoey Bee

She/They 24 🇳🇴🏳️‍⚧️ Anarchist Buddhist Art Hoe

Autistic musiciany artist that may occasionally post gay stuff

Doing music with Bitwig and art with Krita and GMIC under the name
Zoey Dubs

Will caption all media and CW liberally

mille pardons

Rider of trains, appreciator of cool buildings, name nerd, into languages and bouldering. Gay, shy, kinky, overwhelmed 24/7

#transmasc #actuallyautistic #adhd #нетвойне

#NoBot #NoArchive #NoSearch

watching the world burn

I cause the trouble I want to see in the world.

⦿ Admin for
⦿ Union thug

Lyds, Demon Princess

like 30 or something trans woman, literal actual demon, princess-knight, shower propagandist. my tragic flaw is that i try to fit too many hobbies in.

please do not screenshot and repost me.

"infuriatingly, unboostable" -@diffractie

Max Merz

“I Deserve a Little Treat”, Says Woman Who Has Never Denied Herself Anything

Julius :TheRustAgender:

Profile picture is a plushy of Ferris, the rust mascot. The banner is a picture of a duck.
I am Julius, a leftist Rust developer, Linux user and bookworm.
I'm fascinated by low level tech details.
Sometimes I can't stop talking about programming. ​:AgenderFlag:​ ​:AnarchoCommunismFlag:​

Nazis, Conservatives, Cryptocurrency fans, Bigots and the likes can fuck themselves.


Moved to

I'm aroace, enby/transfem (I don't even know anymore), a free software activist, and a software dev. I'm also a jack of all trades musician (but French horn ftw). I don't boost posts that lack alt-text; it's not that hard. Yes, I still wear a mask.

I suppose that I should put my name here, since people usually aren't sure what to call me. I'm Eris, though "Swif" (as @yassie_j very brilliantly coined) works too!

Enjoyer of FreeBSD; Riaism-Aksism; Σ Kale; high risk homosexual; funky internet user; honorary lesbian :verifiedlesbian: (thank you, Natty)
All of my posts made on public visibility, unless explicitly noted, are licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
46% of the internet runs on Nulled LLC services.

"eris is the next god i swear" -
"eris have you taken your meds yet" -
"can you please please just be a normal person" -
"next you’re gonna be telling me about glowies, posting anime waifus and responding to messages with soy wojak" -
"i cant believe they dont use a teletype from 1938 hooked up to a signal generator and a fibre optic cable made out of mud" -
"eris legit might be an ai trained on freebsd forums" -
"Eris, you are not real, shut up" -
"i sign the petition that calls for banning you" -
"sis is built on the intel atom 💀" - @axtlos
"i only know how Eris' soul looks. it's cold, rotten and written in Haskell" -

My profile picture is the Haskell logo (which I can best describe as the head of an arrow pointing right, followed by a lambda, followed by an equals sign) modified to be the four colours of the asexual pride flag (black, grey, white, and purple). It was created by

I do things at sometimes

Simon Gredal

I love computers. I like movies. I tolerate cooking. I dread doing the dishes. I suck at going to bed.

Studying Computer Science @ KEA. Toots in english and danish. Trying my best to quit being a reply-guy.

ornella d. fluffy 🇧🇫

founder and CTO of this 1-person server

I have a dog named Pixie. This is a Pixie fan account.

Avatar: photo de moi, une femme avec des cheveux frisés, penchée par une fenêtre de rez-de-chaussée, souriant vers l'objectif