ryan wolf ryan@hates.company

Open on hates.company

hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 35, pittsburgh. member of CWA Local 9009, works at google, views are my own.


Rí Rua trying gluten-free @papabirb@fe.disroot.org

A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.
None of my views are my own.
Gaidhealtachd, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Luli :mastocheck: @luli@mastodon.art

Dentist. Gouache & acrylic self-taught artist. MCU, books, coffee, fitness and outdoors.

💖Healthy baking and pastry is my jam lately. 

:instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/lulimakesart


no. @joobles@jorts.horse

back and worse than ever

Cody @cody@unreliable.associates

Backyards, bikes, birds, and bugs mostly in the Douglass Commonwealth
#CapitolHillBackyards #BikeDC

Previously @oortville

ev_rider_j @ev_rider_j@sfba.social

Chicago deep dish or die. Central CA coast - I can see Japan from my house! #TwitterApostate

tranzman77 @tranzman77@tech.lgbt

i'm a queer poly trans guy, knew i was a guy long before starting school. i enjoy using tech to access audio books, music, sometimes i laugh at alexa when she gets stuff totally wrong.

i'm a huge star trek fan, enjoy the outdoors when i can and am trying to use far more vegan products than i once did.
i'm #abdl and #bondage curious but i don't allow my disabilities to stop me from accessing online content. looking forward to making connections even better than I had on the bird site.

URGE TO MOVE ABORTED @funkula@goblin.camp

Robert, née Bofa, néigh Jorts. Third time's the charm.

Bacchus1234 @bacchus1234@mastodon.social

#Motorcycle enthusiast, #atheist, #socialist and in general want the world to be a better place and to learn new things! 
I’m also an #audiophile and #gamer and interested in #linux and #FOSS. #BLM #antifascist #anticapitalist #playstation #homophobia and unfortunately a blue dot in a red state.
My Linux distro is #ZorinOS

Chen John @chenjun@mastodon.world

Here to explore.

ultradeb @ultradeb@mastodonapp.uk

American in Paris with strong ties to the UK—I'm the one on the Eurostar smuggling stinky French cheese to my friends. Total stan for places of natural beauty, Twiglets and Matt Berry. (Exiled from Space Karen, woot.)

Nege (allegedly) 💀 @theynege@strangeobject.space

An inherently problematic accumulation of failed attempts to change that. A gender pirate who sails the seas to pillage merchant gender vessels and take what I like. Sworn enemy of cars.

Header: mostly b&w pic with six rainbow wooden cutouts of the word "fuck"
Profile pic: b&w selfie with the face scribbled out in black