Xenharmonic Forest sudoreboot@sunbeam.city

Open on sunbeam.city

Creative a{u,r}tist and pseudo-academic autodidact.

Likes #xenharmonic and melancholic #music, #physics, #maths, #autumn, #birds, hard #scifi, #space, #solarpunk, #voidpunk, and niche #games. #fedi23

Proponent of expressive type systems; composable code; immutable variables; reproducible outputs; copyleft licenses; bespoke interoperable software.

@aeki is eir favourite person and life companion.

Humans mostly suck, but there are plenty of exceptions. Mammal without consent.


owl @owl@gts.u8.is

Owl from the taiga.

Please interact before sending a follow request.

Lives in Norrland with heartfriend @krummi and adopted cats.
Likes forests, fells, languages, synths, folky music/art.

:autism: :intersex: :agender_kitty: