Velocirooster adminensis :bc:

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In the middle like a bird without a beak 🐓 Admin of this here instance 🦖 I have no idea what I'm doing 🦣

Alt Text: Avi is the head of a rooster with a velociraptor's face instead of a beak, seen in profile and looking majestic af. The header is a hilariously inaccurate 19th-century woodcut depicting an iguanodon and a megalosaurus as big lumbering quadrapedal lizards biting each other. Neither of them seems bothered by this, in fact they both are sporting big goofy toothy grins.


ryan wolf

hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 35, pittsburgh. member of CWA Local 9009, works at google, views are my own.

gabe (but cooler)

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

this is my alt account primarily for mutuals and people i trust using gotosocial. if you wanna follow me on my main please follow me @gavi :)