timorl@qoto.org timorl@qoto.org
Programmer and researcher,. Ended up working with all the current buzzwords: #ai #aisafety #ml #deeplearning #cryptocurrency
Other interests include #sewing, being #lesswrong, reading #hardsf, playing #boardgames and omitting stuff on lists.
Oh, and trans rights, duh.
Header image by @WhiteShield@livellosegreto.it .
Heheh, gentoo, heh, nonbinary, heheheh... I'm so easily amused sometimes.
modulux @modulux@node.isonomia.net
Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog: https://modulus.isonomia.net
MATRIX: @modulus:matrix.org